Hello everyone. We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. I just wanted to write a quick article discussing upcoming changes this year for Get Some Productions.
First of all, we have received quite a bit of feedback about our new system that went into place at the end of 2019. We took your suggestions to heart to give you the best experience possible, and we've come up with some new ideas to hopefully reduce some of the stress points.
One of the top complaints was that there was no way to tell when a singer was coming up. They'd have to ask the DJ, and this created a pain point for both sides. Starting hopefully around mid-summer, we will be switching from using SongbookDB to PCDJ's KSR service. They operate very similarly, but KSR allows singers to submit songs without needing an account, and automatically puts you into the rotation. Less confusing for singers. This will also allow singers to see the current rotation to know how many singers are ahead and help them prepare. Singers can also change or cancel songs or submit songs before they arrive at the event.
Another thing that we will be testing is a hybrid sign-up method. In places with bad cellular service, the kiosks would sometimes time out on submitting songs or would log out all together. This created a pain point of having to reinitialize and manually confirm that songs were being submitted. To address this, we are creating a handful of physical songbooks with paper sheets that can also be used to sign up. These will be updated monthly, hopefully alleviating this problem.
In terms of Covid-19 safety, most previous methods used in the past year will remain in place. There will still be hand sanitizer available for singers, and mask use is still encouraged. A change that will take place though will be in the way microphones are disinfected. We will be switching from a disinfectant cleaner to using UV lighting. From the data, this appears to be just as effective, and takes half the time. This allows for quicker microphone rotations and less delays. This should also cut down on wear on the microphones due to the chemicals. This will hopefully address some of the microphone cut outs we've seen over the past year. PLEASE NOTE: Microphones still need to be returned after EVERY singer. Please don't hand them to the next singer in line for safety reasons.
Last but not least, after adding to several wish-lists over the past few years with PCDJ, they have finally released a ticker option for upcoming singers that can be displayed on the crowd monitor. I believe that this will be limited to 5 singers, but will help singers track the rotation and help you prepare if you don't like using technology (as some older generations prefer).
There will probably still be additional changes occurring as the year goes on, but we believe that this direction will just make your experience that much better. We will trial these changes as soon as they come available and will make final decisions based on feedback. Input is highly encouraged, so if there's something you'd like to see or something that needs to change, please let your DJ know. Feedback is very important to us.